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Commit 73471a0c authored by Michael Hanus's avatar Michael Hanus
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Some initial modules of CPM

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Tags v0.0.1
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"name": "cpm",
"version": "0.0.1",
"author": "Jonas Oberschweiber, Michael Hanus",
"maintainer": "Michael Hanus <>",
"synopsis": "Curry Package Manager: a tool to distribute and install Curry libraries and applications",
"category": [ "Package" ],
"dependencies": {
"det-parse": ">= 0.0.1",
"opt-parse": ">= 0.0.3",
"boxes": ">= 0.0.2",
"json": ">= 0.0.2"
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "$version"
--- This module defines the data type for CPM's configuration options, the
--- default values for all options, and functions for reading the user's .cpmrc
--- file and merging its contents into the default options.
module CPM.Config
( Config ( Config, packageInstallDir, binInstallDir, repositoryDir
, packageIndexRepository )
, readConfiguration, defaultConfig) where
import Char (isSpace)
import Directory (doesFileExist, getHomeDirectory, createDirectoryIfMissing)
import FilePath ((</>))
import Function ((***))
import List (splitOn, intersperse)
import Maybe (mapMaybe)
import PropertyFile (readPropertyFile)
import CPM.ErrorLogger
--- The location of the central package index.
packageIndexURI :: String
packageIndexURI =
-- if you have an ssh access to
-- "ssh://"
--- Data type containing the main configuration of CPM.
data Config = Config {
--- The directory where locally installed packages are stored
packageInstallDir :: String
--- The directory where executable of locally installed packages are stored
, binInstallDir :: String
--- Directory where the package repository is stored
, repositoryDir :: String
--- URL to the package index repository
, packageIndexRepository :: String
--- CPM's default configuration values. These are used if no .cpmrc file is found
--- or a new value for the option is not specified in the .cpmrc file.
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config
{ packageInstallDir = "$HOME/.cpm/packages"
, binInstallDir = "$HOME/.cpm/bin"
, repositoryDir = "$HOME/.cpm/index"
, packageIndexRepository = packageIndexURI }
--- Reads the .cpmrc file from the user's home directory (if present) and merges
--- its contents into the default configuration. Resolves the $HOME variable
--- after merging and creates any missing directories. May return an error using
--- Left.
readConfiguration :: IO (Either String Config)
readConfiguration = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
configFile <- return $ home </> ".cpmrc"
exists <- doesFileExist configFile
settingsFromFile <- if exists
then readPropertyFile configFile >>= \p -> return $ stripProps p
else return []
mergedSettings <- return $ mergeConfigFile defaultConfig settingsFromFile
case mergedSettings of
Left e -> return $ Left e
Right s' -> replaceHome s' >>= \s'' -> createDirectories s'' >>
return (Right s'')
replaceHome :: Config -> IO Config
replaceHome cfg = do
homeDir <- getHomeDirectory
return $ cfg {
packageInstallDir = replaceHome' homeDir (packageInstallDir cfg)
, binInstallDir = replaceHome' homeDir (binInstallDir cfg)
, repositoryDir = replaceHome' homeDir (repositoryDir cfg)
replaceHome' h s = concat $ intersperse h $ splitOn "$HOME" s
createDirectories :: Config -> IO ()
createDirectories cfg = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (packageInstallDir cfg)
createDirectoryIfMissing True (binInstallDir cfg)
createDirectoryIfMissing True (repositoryDir cfg)
--- Merges configuration options from a configuration file into a configuration
--- record. May return an error using Left.
--- @param cfg - the configuration record to merge into
--- @param opts - the options to merge
mergeConfigFile :: Config -> [(String, String)] -> Either String Config
mergeConfigFile cfg props = applyEither setters cfg
setters = mapMaybe id $ map maybeApply props
maybeApply (k, v) = case lookup k keySetters of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just s -> Just $ s v
--- Removes leading and trailing whitespace from option keys and values.
--- @param opts - the options
stripProps :: [(String, String)] -> [(String, String)]
stripProps = map (strip *** strip)
strip s = reverse $ dropWhile isSpace $ reverse $ dropWhile isSpace s
--- A map from option names to functions that will update a configuration
--- record with a value for that option.
keySetters :: [(String, String -> Config -> Either String Config)]
keySetters =
[ ("repository_path" , \v c -> Right $ c { repositoryDir = v })
, ("package_install_path", \v c -> Right $ c { packageInstallDir = v})
, ("bin_install_path" , \v c -> Right $ c { binInstallDir = v})
--- Sequentially applies a list of functions that transform a value to a value
--- of that type (i.e. a fold). Each function can error out with a Left, in
--- which case no further applications are done and the Left is returned from
--- the overall application of applyEither.
--- @param fs - the list of functions
--- @param v - the initial value
applyEither :: [a -> Either c a] -> a -> Either c a
applyEither [] z = Right z
applyEither (f:fs) z = case f z of
Left err -> Left err
Right z' -> applyEither fs z'
--- Contains combinators for chaining IO actions that can fail and log messages.
module CPM.ErrorLogger
( ErrorLogger
, LogEntry
, LogLevel (..)
, logLevelOf
, levelGte
, getLogLevel, setLogLevel
, (|>=)
, (|>)
, (|->)
, mapEL
, foldEL
, succeedIO
, failIO
, log
, showLogEntry
) where
import Global
import Pretty
import Profile -- for show run-time
infixl 0 |>=
infixl 0 |>
-- Should the current time be shown with every log information?
withShowTime :: Bool
withShowTime = False
--- An error logger.
type ErrorLogger a = ([LogEntry], Either LogEntry a)
--- A log entry.
data LogEntry = LogEntry LogLevel String
logLevelOf :: LogEntry -> LogLevel
logLevelOf (LogEntry ll _) = ll
--- A log level.
data LogLevel = Info
| Debug
| Error
| Critical
--- The global value for the log level.
logLevel :: Global LogLevel
logLevel = global Info Temporary
--- Gets the global log level. Messages below this level will not be printed.
getLogLevel :: IO LogLevel
getLogLevel = readGlobal logLevel
--- Sets the global log level. Messages below this level will not be printed.
setLogLevel :: LogLevel -> IO ()
setLogLevel level = writeGlobal logLevel level
--- Chains two actions passing the result from the first to the second.
(|>=) :: IO (ErrorLogger a) -> (a -> IO (ErrorLogger b)) -> IO (ErrorLogger b)
a |>= f = do
(msgs, err) <- a
mapIO showLogEntry msgs
case err of
Right v -> do
(msgs', err') <- f v
return $ (msgs', err')
Left m -> return $ ([], Left m)
--- Chains two actions ignoring the result of the first.
(|>) :: IO (ErrorLogger a) -> IO (ErrorLogger b) -> IO (ErrorLogger b)
a |> f = do
(msgs, err) <- a
mapIO showLogEntry msgs
case err of
Right _ -> do
(msgs', err') <- f
return $ (msgs', err')
Left m -> return $ ([], Left m)
--- Chains two actions ignoring the result of the second.
(|->) :: IO (ErrorLogger a) -> IO (ErrorLogger b) -> IO (ErrorLogger a)
a |-> b = do
(msgs, err) <- a
mapIO showLogEntry msgs
case err of
Right _ -> do
(msgs', _) <- b
return $ (msgs', err)
Left m -> return $ ([], Left m)
--- Maps an action over a list of values. Fails if one of the actions fails.
mapEL :: (a -> IO (ErrorLogger b)) -> [a] -> IO (ErrorLogger [b])
mapEL _ [] = succeedIO []
mapEL f (x:xs) = do
(msgs, err) <- f x
mapIO showLogEntry msgs
case err of
Right v -> do
(msgs', xs') <- mapEL f xs
case xs' of
Right xs'' -> succeedIO (v:xs'')
Left m' -> return $ (msgs', Left m')
Left m -> return $ ([], Left m)
--- Folds a list of values using an action. Fails if one of the actions fails.
foldEL :: (a -> b -> IO (ErrorLogger a)) -> a -> [b] -> IO (ErrorLogger a)
foldEL _ z [] = succeedIO z
foldEL f z (x:xs) = do
(msgs, err) <- f z x
mapIO showLogEntry msgs
case err of
Right v -> foldEL f v xs
Left m -> return $ ([], Left m)
--- Renders a log entry.
showLogEntry :: LogEntry -> IO ()
showLogEntry (LogEntry lvl msg) = do
minLevel <- getLogLevel
if levelGte lvl minLevel
then putStrLn $ pPrint $ lvlText <+> (text msg)
else return ()
lvlText = case lvl of
Info -> text "INFO "
Debug -> green $ text "DEBUG "
Critical -> red $ text "CRITICAL "
Error -> red $ text "ERROR "
--- Compares two log levels.
levelGte :: LogLevel -> LogLevel -> Bool
levelGte Debug Debug = True
levelGte Debug Info = False
levelGte Debug Error = False
levelGte Debug Critical = False
levelGte Info Debug = True
levelGte Info Info = True
levelGte Info Error = False
levelGte Info Critical = False
levelGte Error Debug = True
levelGte Error Info = True
levelGte Error Error = True
levelGte Error Critical = True
levelGte Critical Debug = True
levelGte Critical Info = True
levelGte Critical Error = True
levelGte Critical Critical = True
--- Create an action that always succeeds.
succeed :: a -> ErrorLogger a
succeed v = ([], Right v)
--- Create an IO action that always succeeds.
succeedIO :: a -> IO (ErrorLogger a)
succeedIO v = return $ succeed v
--- Create an action that always fails.
fail :: String -> ErrorLogger a
fail msg = ([logMsg], Left logMsg) where logMsg = LogEntry Critical msg
--- Create an IO action that always fails.
failIO :: String -> IO (ErrorLogger a)
failIO msg = return $ fail msg
--- Create an IO action that logs a message.
log :: LogLevel -> String -> IO (ErrorLogger ())
log lvl msg =
if withShowTime
then do
runtime <- getProcessInfos >>= return . maybe 0 id . lookup ElapsedTime
return $ ([LogEntry lvl (showTime runtime ++ ' ':msg)], Right ())
return $ ([LogEntry lvl msg], Right ())
showTime t = show (t `div` 1000) ++ "." ++ show ((t `mod` 1000) `div` 10)
\ No newline at end of file
--- Some utilities for deailing with files and directories
--- for the Curry Package Manager.
module CPM.FileUtil
( joinSearchPath
, copyDirectory
, createSymlink
, removeSymlink
, isSymlink
, linkTarget
, copyDirectoryFollowingSymlinks
, fileInPath
, tempDir
, inTempDir
, inDirectory
, recreateDirectory
, removeDirectoryComplete
) where
import Directory ( doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory
, getTemporaryDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, createDirectory
, createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System (system, getEnviron)
import IOExts (evalCmd)
import FilePath (FilePath, replaceFileName, (</>), searchPathSeparator)
import List (intercalate, splitOn)
--- Joins a list of directories into a search path.
joinSearchPath :: [FilePath] -> String
joinSearchPath dirs = intercalate [searchPathSeparator] dirs
--- Recursively copies a directory structure.
copyDirectory :: String -> String -> IO ()
copyDirectory src dst = do
retCode <- system $ "cp -pR \"" ++ src ++ "\" \"" ++ dst ++ "\""
if retCode /= 0
then error $ "Copy failed with " ++ (show retCode)
else return ()
--- Recursively copies a directory structure following symlinks, i.e. links
--- get replaced by copies in the destination.
copyDirectoryFollowingSymlinks :: String -> String -> IO ()
copyDirectoryFollowingSymlinks src dst = do
retCode <- system $ "cp -pLR \"" ++ src ++ "\" \"" ++ dst ++ "\""
if retCode /= 0
then error $ "Copy failed with " ++ (show retCode)
else return ()
--- Creates a new symlink.
createSymlink :: String -> String -> IO Int
createSymlink from to = system $ "ln -s " ++ (quote from) ++ " " ++ (quote to)
--- Deletes a symlink.
removeSymlink :: String -> IO Int
removeSymlink link = system $ "rm " ++ (quote link)
--- Tests whether a file is a symlink.
isSymlink :: String -> IO Bool
isSymlink link = do
(code, _, _) <- evalCmd "readlink" ["-n", link] ""
return $ code == 0
--- Gets the target of a symlink.
linkTarget :: String -> IO String
linkTarget link = do
(rc, out, _) <- evalCmd "readlink" ["-n", link] ""
if rc == 0
then return $ replaceFileName link out
else return ""
quote :: String -> String
quote s = "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
--- Checks whether a file exists in one of the directories on the PATH.
fileInPath :: String -> IO Bool
fileInPath file = do
path <- getEnviron "PATH"
dirs <- return $ splitOn ":" path
(liftIO (any id)) $ mapIO (doesFileExist . (</> file)) dirs
--- Gets CPM's temporary directory.
tempDir :: IO String
tempDir = do
t <- getTemporaryDirectory
return (t </> "cpm")
--- Executes an IO action with the current directory set to CPM's temporary
--- directory.
inTempDir :: IO b -> IO b
inTempDir b = do
t <- getTemporaryDirectory
exists <- doesDirectoryExist (t </> "cpm")
if exists
then return ()
else createDirectory (t </> "cpm")
inDirectory (t </> "cpm") b
--- Executes an IO action with the current directory set to a specific
--- directory.
inDirectory :: String -> IO b -> IO b
inDirectory dir b = do
previous <- getCurrentDirectory
setCurrentDirectory dir
b' <- b
setCurrentDirectory previous
return b'
--- Recreates a directory. Deletes its contents if it already exists.
recreateDirectory :: String -> IO ()
recreateDirectory dir = do
removeDirectoryComplete dir
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
--- Deletes a directory and its contents, if it exists, otherwise nothing
--- is done.
removeDirectoryComplete :: String -> IO ()
removeDirectoryComplete dir = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
when exists $ system ("rm -Rf " ++ quote dir) >> done
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